![]() | Routes Results Analysis |
Welcome to what is quite simply the best Orienteering result analysis program ever. This program has been designed and written by Joe Lee Computing specifically to analyse the results of the POLARIS events, and operates on PCs running Windows 95 and above. | ||
The program is copyright (March 2002) of Joe Lee but is made available free of charge subject to the following conditions: |
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The program lets you view the routes taken by teams, and compare relative times (where available) of up to 3 teams, between user selectable control points. Note that currently this program can only show the controls which were actually recorded on the electronic tags, so any control which was missing (eg number 4 in Spring 2002) won't show up. This may make some routes look silly, but because this is free software, I haven't got time to change anything at the moment. Note also that some controls in Spring 2002 had their clocks corrupted during transport (I'm still trying to work out how), so the times at some controls may not be available. I do have a recorded time at each control and I may get round to working out time corrections for these controls at some later date, but while the need to earn a living is still pressing this may not get done. | ||
Notes about the resultsThe official Polaris results are computed using Polaris software and can be found at the Polaris site. These results in the files here do not represent the official results since they do not take into account controls which were missing (stolen), any protests, and also the penalty points are also computed differently. The results show here in the Routes program are therefore only an approximation, and are provided solely so that you can see what routes competitors took. | ||
Understanding the graphs![]() click image to see full size | The time graphs are plotted relative to any selected team.
The plots are not a representation of absolute time at a control, it is the
slope of each line which is the important point - lines sloping upwards represent a loss of time
relative to the reference team between those two controls, a downwards slope means that this team went
faster than the reference team...just how much faster or slower is represented by the time difference between the
start of a line segment and the end.
You can use the cursor facility to measure time gaps - move the cursor to the point you want to start measuring from, click it to fix that point as a reference, then move the cursor anywhere else to see a measure of time differences. Where intermediate times are not available because of failure of a control box, the time is set to the same time as the previous control - this is not an ideal fix but it is quick and easy for me to do. | |
How to download and installThe program is supplied as a stand alone executable file routes.exe and a data file polaris02spring.txt. Simply download the program file and the data file to a directory of your choice, then double click the routes.exe file to run the program. | ||
Download version 1.6 (25th March 2002) nowRight...for those who tried this earlier and got execution errors: I don't know why, but my web hosting service (Virtual Internet) keep corrupting the file I upload. Try this one - I've put it onto my Freesurf.fr host instead.Download program file (345Kb) Updated data file (26th March 2002) - download this again if you've already have an earlier one. Download data file (78Kb) Some browsers will display the data and not offer the option to save the file to disk. If this happens, you can do one of two things:
FeedbackYour brief feedback would be appreciated, but since I am not making anything by supplying this program, I can not promise any bug fixes or enhancements within any particular time scale - I try to please, but I also need to earn a living too.There are some features still to be included when time permits, so you don't need to email me with any of the following suggestions. Currently on my wish list are: