| Timing and Results Service for Sports Events
...our competitors get better results...
Important Copyright Information
in plain unambiguous English
- All information, design, pictures, everything, published on this website is the copyright of Joe Lee, the site owner, unless other credit is shown.
- Nothing from this site may be copied or adapted for use on any other web site, or any other medium, be it electronic, paper based
or any other format either existing or not invented when this notice was written, except as is necessary for transmission through
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- You may not reproduce paraphrase summarise or otherwise make comment about this website, or anything found
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- You are free to read and copy the contents of this site for your own personal use, and also to provide copies
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- Under no circumstances may anything on this site be used or copied for commercial gain, or used for advertising
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- If, within 2 days of being requested by Joe Lee to correct your copyright status misappropriated material remains on your
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- You are free to put links to this site on your own website under the following condition
- Links must only be to the home page at www.joelee.co.uk.
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If you don't agree to these terms, don't link to this site. Your site creating links to this site is
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Spam emails and Phishing demands for payment
If anyone sends me an email, or a letter by post or via any other means, demanding payment the following terms apply:
- Joe Lee will only pay a person or business if he has a valid contract with the person or business
demanding payment.
- A contract with anyone is only valid if the person or business can produce a copy of the contract with
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was signed.
- If a business changes name, or tries to reassign a previous contract to a different business, any contract
between Joe Lee and the previous business entity remains unchanged unless the new business entity creates a new
contract from Joe Lee as defined in point 1 above.
- If any person or business submits an invoice to Joe Lee which does not conform to the above three points
the person sending the email or letter or other communication becomes personally liable to pay Joe Lee 10 times the
value of the invoice they have sent.
- If the person sending any demand for payment works for a business, then the liability defined in point 4 above will
be 50 times the value of the invoice they send.
- Nobody has any authority to change these terms except Joe Lee.
- These terms overwrite any terms which are or might be defined by any supplier to Joe Lee.
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